Tips for email users include netiquette and signatures. Read what other users share, or check the glossary and various guides provided. everythingemail.net "Reading is like permitting a man to talk a long time, and refusing you the right to answer." - Ed Howe A few hints to get you started Test your configuration by sending mail to http://www.imagescape.com/helpweb/mail/polite.html http://www.4freehelp.com/kenscolumns.cfm?columnID=40 Internet Address Finder offers more than 6 million unique e-mail address listings. It's the quick and easy way to find email addresses on the Net. Register with Internet Address http://www.iaf.net/ The Free Email Address Directory carries listings for over 1,100 free email providers in 30 languages. http://www.emailaddresses.com/ Words on a computer screen look different than on paper, and usually people find it harder to read things on a screen than on paper. (I know several people who even print out their http://www.webfoot.com/advice/email.layout.html?Email We have put together set comprehensive set of tips and trick for Microsoft Outlook Express. Questions or problems regarding this web site should be directed to http://members.megaweb.co.za/help/faq/email/oexpress.htm Quick answers to the questions our Support Professionals hear most often. http://support.microsoft.com/support/ie/outlookexpress/win32/faq no more than 200 characters, not including spaces http://tips.winmag.com/ Make it clear at the beginning of your message that you are a constituent! If possible, put this information in the subject line of your message so the legislative staff reading http://www.netlobby.com/emailtip.html ... Tips on Sending E-Mail. This was original one of our Electronic Newsletters.. In the good old days, sending mail only meant sitting down with a pen and some paper... To Ensure Efficient, Accurate & Speedy Delivery. In the good old ... HELPFUL HINTS - The Ten Commandments of E-Mail, some excellent advice. This service allows you to search for e-mail addresses if you know the name of a person, or the name of the organization that provides their net access. To search, either type http://usenet-addresses.mit.edu/ Delivering Fun, Knowledge & Empowerment " Home About Affiliate Program Change Settings Feedback Free Hosting Services [PC World] see related: Computers/Internet/Abuse/Spam/News This FAQ is intended to be a concise discourse on "spam-blocking". Otherwise known as "munging", or breaking one's email address, this is usually done when posting to Usenet, for http://members.aol.com/emailfaq/mungfaq.html Tips and tutorials on using this software package to create great webs. Webmaster tips, resources, mail list and more. see related: Computers/Software/Internet/Authoring/HTML/WYSIWYG_Editors/Microsoft_FrontPage This web site presents a series of articles about how to use the internet to your best advantage. Here are the internet tips and secrets that you... URL: http://www.internet-tips.net/ Tips & Tricks . Viruses Transmitted Via Email Electronic Mail text messages cannot in themselves contain viruses. The text portion of a message is just text, and if read, does not contain damaging system codes. Period. "Good Times" messages, www.jvlnet.com Bringing you the best tips, tricks, and solutions for AOL, the internet, software, hardware, and computers! www.tipsandtricks.net - Silv's Tips & Tricks - 466 Clifden Dr. Madison WI From Dogpile Category Biz Computers Consulting Welcome to Ecalpon Systems Offering FREE Hints, Tips, Tricks, Help, Email, Forums, Chat, Games and File Downloads. Make your Windows95 and Windows98 system behave as it should. www.ecalpon.com - Don Ross - South Yarmouth MA From Dogpile Category Biz Internet_Services Access_Providers remailersIt is a good idea to get an anonymous e-mail account to use when you are unsure if you want to give out your real or primary e-mail address. For example, you can use a nickname at HOTMAIL.COM. Since this site is run by Microsoft, it is probably not going to suddenly disappear as some sites do, and there is no fee. If you turn on Hotmail's convenient junk mail filter, anything not specifically addressed to you goes automatically into a "junk" folder, and is deleted after 30 days. Also you can check your mail from any computer that is online.FREE E-MAIL ACCOUNTS
Your e-mail can be automatically sent to another e-mail address by using a mail forwarding service. You need to have an email address already before you can use a forwarding service. If you change your primary address, just change the email address your email is forwarded to, and it will automatically be redirected to your new address. Forwarding services let you choose a memorable, fun, distinctive, and anonymous name. You can change Internet providers, schools or jobs and still keep one email address.Computer Security There is no way that you could be at risk with your little old home computer, is there? YES! Especially if you use the Internet at all, you are at risk immediately. Warning:
1. KEEP FRIENDS' E-MAIL ADDRESSES PRIVATE Some people are as protective of their e-mail address as they are of their home phone numbers and worry about it getting into the wrong hands. Delete all e-mail addresses before forwarding e-mail. Recipients won't have access to the addresses, nor will they have to scroll before reaching the real start of the e-mail. When sending group e-mails to friends, place your own address in the To box and all other addresses in the BCC (blind carbon copy) box. This feature allows the recipients to receive the e-mail with only their own address displayed.2. DON'T FORWARD EVERYTHING TO EVERYONE You know your friends and family. You know what they'll appreciate and what they won't. The same joke that would leave your college roommate in stitches might offend your aunt or co-worker. Make forwards more personal by personalizing the list of people you send them to. Keep individual tastes and preferences in mind.3. REMEMBER TONE IS LOST IN E-MAIL. Even when sending quick e-mails to friends, remember that it's almost impossible to capture tone and attitude in an e-mail message the way you can in a phone conversation. The reader could interpret an innocent comment sent in jest as rude. Make sure that your messages are clear and avoid using sarcasm.4. DON'T BE A SPOILER Sure, it's nice to know the answer to your favorite TV show's cliffhanger ending or the plot twist to the latest movie before everyone else. Just keep in mind that not all of your online buddies will appreciate having you reveal these secrets. Send any potentially plot revealing e-mails with the caveat, "Warning! This e-mail contains information about [subject matter]," in the subject box. Those who want to remain in suspense can simply delete the e-mail without reading it.5. BEWARE OF HOAXES Most e-mails and e-mail users are sincere and mean you know harm. However, if you receive a message from someone whose name is unfamiliar to you, do not reply. It may be a salesperson or someone trying to scam you. If you receive a message warning of a new computer virus, confirm the e-mail before forwarding to friends. Ask your company's computer professionals if the virus is legitimate. Also, be wary of strange attachments. Don't open them or send to pals-they may contain the very virus you were warned about it another e-mail! |
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If it is true that the New Age will bring all the energy we want, will we use it as a weapon of our own self-destruction? Could this be the central issue of our lives? |