What does this mean?
It consists of exchanging your principal or second home, your holiday
or time-share, your mobile home or camper van, with another BLUE-HOME
You choose a country and an area in which you wish to spend your
and for one period that you determine together, you live at the other
home while they live in yours.
Who can exchange?
Everyone! if you are an owner or a tenant, or if you live in a company
What are the advantages?
Savings -You lodge free during
your stay and you save the expenses of dining
You can also (according to terms of your exchange) use the family car
the member. You simply pay transport costs getting to the destination
your choice.
Comfort - You benefit from all the comfort of main home or secondary
home. You
much more space than in a hotel, and more facilities than when renting
example games for your children or accessories for your baby).
Greeting - You can, if you wish, be accommodated by the friends or the
family of
other member and thus benefit from their advice when visiting the area.
Peace of mind - During your absence your home is inhabited, your plants
are watered,
according to the terms of your exchange, your animals are looked after.
Opening - You can meet your correspondents friends and be exposed to
discover the way of life of the inhabitants of the area. Upon your
you will be able to speak in an objective way about the country which
have visited and possibly convince friends and family that there is
form of holiday.
Preparation of your house
Leave your house as you wish to find the one you will stay in!
- the house must be clean (clean grounds, kitchen, bathroom, empty
except for an arrival meal)
- cupboards, drawers, wall cupboards of bathroom must be cleared to
it possible for your guests to settle in comfortably (your personal
should be stored in a locked cupboard, or the cellar or attic)
- prepare linen, napkins, hand towels, clean clothes
- leave what is required to prepare a first meal
- lock away valuable or fragile objects to avoid any accidental breakage
Preparing " instructions "
- use of each domestic appliance, of the telephone, etc
- instructions for electricity, gas, the heating, air-conditioning, etc
- instructions for the plants, the animals, the swimming pool, refuse
the cleaning lady, etc
- list useful telephone numbers (family, friends, doctor, baby-sitter,
- information on the surroundings (sites, restaurants, etc) and the
of transport (bus, train, subway, etc), various assistance (maps,
- and of course all interesting information that you can think of !
More advice
Contact your insurer for the house, the car, etc, to ensure that are no
And finally make a small gesture of friendship:
- a small gift of welcome
- a greeting by one of your friends or a family member
exchanging is based on trust, but it isn't blind trust. If you are
concerned about having strangers in your home, remember that you're
staying in their home at the same time. Usually the exchanging parties
get to know each other by phone, mail or e-mail well before the swap;
some exchangers arrange to meet at the start of their vacation, even if
only for an hour at the airport. You may be further reassured to have a
friend or neighbor act as your "agent," stopping by to greet the
exchange partners once or twice during their stay.
Home exchange agencies say theft is not a problem; if there is
friction, it's usually caused by a difference in housekeeping
standards. But accidental damage can happen, of course, which is why
it's wise for a family with young children not to exchange with a
childless antique collector. (On the other hand, when two families with
children of similar ages exchange homes, they are often delighted to
find new and different toys.) Homeowners' liability insurance covers
exchange partners as it would any other house guests.
Until recently, exchange services published their listings in printed
directories, usually issued three times per year. Prospective
exchangers paid to have their homes listed; when they received the
directory, they perused the listings and contacted each other by mail
or telephone.
Now the industry has largely shifted operations to the Internet. Those
interested in exchanging scan listings online, contact prospects by
e-mail and have an answer in a day or two without incurring postage or
phone expenses. Though most agencies will also do business by mail or
phone, the benefits of using the Web are clear.
The agency acts as a clearinghouse; your membership fee covers your
home's listing and gives you access to other members. (Many agencies
will let nonmembers browse their listings to see what they offer, but
in most cases, member contact information, such as an e-mail address,
is available only to other members.)
Exchanges are arranged by the members themselves, not by the agency. As
a rule, no money changes hands between exchangers.
The services below have listings for properties worldwide. Many offer
vacation rentals, free or paid hospitality exchanges ("You be my guest,
then I'll be yours"), youth hospitality exchanges and/or house-sitting
besides standard home swaps. Exchange properties vary from houseboats
and RVs to modest apartments to estates.
This list is not exhaustive. Agencies that did not respond to telephone
or e-mail queries were removed, and with a few exceptions, very small
agencies, foreign-based agencies and niche services that specialize in
exchanges between, say, gay and lesbian, Christian, academic, senior or
disabled clients are not included here. Find these by typing the
appropriate phrase ("seniors home exchange") into an Internet search
Digsville.com, P.O. Box 106, Hoboken, NJ 07030; (800) 974-6860, fax
(201) 792-5031, http://www.digsville.com.
Founded 1999; about 1,800 listings. Site lets members rate their
exchange partners, post messages online and download sample exchange or
rental agreements and vehicle use authorizations. Contact available to
members only; listings $49.95 for two years. ExchangeHomes.com, 16654
Soledad Canyon Road, Suite 214, Santa Clarita, CA 91387; (800) 848-7927
or (661) 298-0376, fax (661) 298-0576, http://www.exchangehomes.com.
Founded 1986; about 3,500 listings. Contact available to members only;
listings $30 per year.
Global Home Exchange, 6140 Kirsten Drive, Nanaimo, BC, Canada V9V 1J7;
telephone/fax (250) 756-6177, http://www.4homex.com.
Founded 1997; 500 to 1,000 listings. Offers short-term listings (two,
three, six or nine months) as well as one, two or three years; fees
range from $8 to $57. Contact available to nonmembers.
Green Theme International, 9 Rue des Insurges, 87130 Linards, France;
011-33-555-084-704, http://www.gti-home-exchange.com.
Founded 1990; about 2,000 listings. Contact available to members only.
$30 per year for online listing; $79 per year to be listed online and
in printed catalog (published three times yearly).
Holi-Swaps.com, 11024 N. 28th Drive, Suite 200, Phoenix, AZ 85029;
(602) 604-1537, fax (602) 938-0163, http://www.holi-swaps.com.
Founded 1997 in England, 2001 in U.S. About 500 listings, most in
Britain, Australia, Canada, U.S. Contact available to nonmembers;
listings $37.50 per year.
Home Base Holidays, 7 Park Ave., London N13 5PG, England; 011-44-
20-8886-8752, fax 011-44-20-8482- 4258, http://www.homebase-hols.com.
Founded 1985. About 2,000 listings, with Britain particularly well
represented. Contact available to members only. Listings $56 to $103
for one year; the agency's last paper catalog will appear in June.
HomeExchange.com, P.O. Box 30085, Santa Barbara, CA 93130; (310)
798-3864, fax (310) 798-3865, http://www.homeexchange.com.
Founded 1991; about 5,000 listings. Contact available to nonmembers;
listings $50 for one year, $100 for three years, $150 for six years.
Home Exchange Network, 70 Broomfield Ave., Newton Mearns, Glasgow G77
5JP, Scotland; 011-44-141-571-8068, fax 011-44-141-571-8069, http://www.home-exchange-network.com.
Founded 1997; about 120 listings. Contact available to members only;
listings about $29 for one year, $44 for life membership.
HomeLink USA, P.O. Box 47747, Tampa, FL 33647; (800) 638-3841 or (813)
975-9825, fax (813) 910- 8144, http://www.homelink.org.
Founded 1953 as Vacation Exchange Club. About 12,000 listings. Listings
$60 per year for Web only, $110 for Web plus three printed directories.
International Home Exchange Network, 118 Flamingo Ave., Daytona Beach,
FL 32118; (386) 238-3633, fax (386) 254-3425, http://www.homexchange.com.
Founded 1995; about 3,000 listings. Contact available to nonmembers;
listings $29.95 per year.
Intervac, 30 Corte San Fernando, Tiburon, CA 94920; (800) 756-HOME
(4663), fax (415) 435-7440, http://www.intervacUS.com.
Founded 1952; about 12,000 listings, most outside the U.S. Contact
available to members only. Listings $50 to $68 per year for Web only,
$93 to $117 for Web plus three printed directories.
The Invented City, 41 Sutter St., San Francisco, CA 94104; (415)
252-1141, http://www.invented-city.com.
Founded 1991; about 1,700 listings, and seeking more in California.
Contact available to members only. One-year listings $40 until May 31,
$75 thereafter. Does business only on the Web.
Landfair Home Exchange Club, 6432 Alemendra St., Fort Pierce, FL 34951;
(800) 458-6557, http://www.landfair.com.
Founded 1989; about 5,000 listings. Contact available to members only;
listings $29.95 per year. The company also offers custom matching: You
submit criteria, and Landfair searches its database for a match. In
this case, an additional $250 is payable upon both parties' approval.
Latitudes Home Exchange, P.O. Box 622, Cortez, FL 34215; tel./fax (941)
761-1709, http://www.home-swap.com.
Founded 1993; about 600 listings. Contact available to members only;
listings $50 to $56 per year. Custom matching service $160 domestic,
$250 international.
Réseau International d'Echange de Foyers, M. Siegrist, 15 Tullis
Sutton Courtenay, Oxon OX14 4BD, England; tel./fax (815) 550-6605,http://
Founded 1996; about 800 listings. Most contacts available to members
only, but members can choose "open" listing if they prefer. Listings
$39 for one year, $10 extra if submitted by mail or fax.
The Vacation Exchange Network, P.O. Box 277, Whippany, NJ 07981- 0277;
(800) CONDO-44 (266-3644) or (973) 386-9208, fax (973) 428- 3925, http://www.condoexchange.com.
Founded 1996; about 850 listings. For vacation properties (second
homes), so exchange need not be simultaneous. Contact available to
members only. Exchanges may be direct (two members swap; each pays
$150) or indirect (one member lets the other use his home and receives
$150 exchange credit; user pays $300). One-time fee of $99, then $19.95
per year.
Here are several
organizations that publish directories
of potential home swappers.
Exchange Programs:
- International Home
Exchange Network Membership is 29.95 (US currency) per year.
- HomeExchange.com
All listings are on the site and available for anyone to see. Cost is
30.00 (US currency) per year to list your home.
- Vacation Homes Unlimited
Established in 1986. Internet listing is 65.00 (US currency), catalogue
listing is 75.00 (US currency) plus a 10.00 (US currency) mailing fee.
- Canada Residence
Exchange Cost to subscribe is 100.00 (Canadian currency) per
- HomeLink International
Established in 1952 as an inter-college vacation exchange for teachers.
Membership is 100.00 to 150.00 (US currency) per year.
- International Vacations
Established in Europe by teachers in the early 1950s. France is their
main market. Listing in 2 catalogues is approximately 160.00 (Canadian
currency) per year.
- Or just e-mail
the webmaster and we will list your home for FREE on our site!
General Information Sites:
Home Exchanges
- U.S. based home and hospitality exchange featuring properties on six
continents. Site features a search, rating system, lively community,
customer service, and free membership. 
Erhomes -
Site includes
rentals as well. Listing a home exchange wish is free.
- ExchangeHomes
- Exchange homes, swap lifestyles, trade cultures. Home exchange
provides an opportunity to experience foreign lifestyles in a way
tourists never do - for free.
- ExchangePlaces.com
- Offers information on vacation rentals and home exchanges worldwide.
- HolidayHaven
LLC - Search for vacation or timeshare properties, list
rental properties, or swap with other owners.
- HomeExchange.Com
- Offers international home exchange search without being a member.
- HomeFree
- Search now for a vacation home exchange or compatible travel

- HomeLink
- Color directories and interactive database of home exchange listings.
- Invented
City Home Exchange - Home exchange listings, with
photographs, in 40+ countries around the world.
- Leisure Property
Exchange, LLC - Owners of vacation properties may exchange
with other owners worldwide.
- Seniors Home Exchange
- Home exchanges exclusively for over 50 age group.
- Sun
Swap - Database of homes for trading, house swapping and
vacation home exchanges.
- Swapaway -
Offering home exchange listings and membership information.
- The Vacation Exchange
Network - Members exchange their vacation homes and condos.
- Trading-Homes
- Members have online access to listings of other members from all over
the world who want to exchange their homes for their next vacation. B-O-S-S
Home Exchange - Panama City, FL based home exchange company
offering home exchange services throughout the world.Home Exchange
(No Charge)
- Home exchanges in
North America. We post all listings for free.From:
- HomeLink Home Exchange
- World's largest home
exchange club, 24 sites
& offices, 8 languagesFrom:
- Intervac Home Exchange
- Worldwide Home Exchange since 1953 Web & Print
Members in 52 countriesFrom:
- Exchange Links
- Exchange with
AmsterdamHotels.org Page rank (PR) = 6. Get link now.From:
- Vacation
Home Exchange
- Worldwide Holiday Properties for home exchange,
No joining feeFrom: http://www.onlinehomeexchange.com
- 6000+
Worldwide Listings
- Local-weekend-international swaps User friendly, instant
access, fun!From: http://www.homeexchange.com
- Home Exchange Worldwide - Home
Base Holidays Swap homes for free vacation accommodation.
Attractive exchange offers in 45+ countries. New listings daily + free
newsletter. Est. London,1985
- House
Swap, Vacation rental
- House
- Vacation
Rental,Holiday Home Swap
- Holiday Rental,
Home Exchange
- Villa Rental,
House Exchange
- Condo
Rental, Home Exchange
- Condo Rental,
House Exchange
- Vacation
Rental, Home Swap